My name is Midnight.
I am the kitten the Kiem's rescued from their tree this summer. Angie has been busy getting things in order
for Christmas. She is allowing me to
write a blog post for her.
Things seem to be hectic here. Doug took off to work and the house blew
up. Not literally. Robby's room is full of green containers from
the attic. Wonderful things have been
pulled out of the boxes. Things with
long shiny strings and tinkling bells.
Brizzy and I have been busy batting these things around and hiding them
in hard to reach places.
Angie brought in the best play toy ever. A real eight foot tree! Then she put some of those shiny strings and
tinkling bells on it. There are colorful
swaying things too. Brizzy and I love to
take running jumps at these play toys.
It makes turns Angie's face red and she scolds us.
So, us three cats had a meeting. Since Bo thinks he is too sophisticated to play, we designated him the look out. Brizzy and I were having the time of our life
jumping and swatting all the shiny things on the tree. Then disaster struck. Bo sold us out. When he heard Angie coming, he rolled over
and licked his butt. We were caught with
angels and santas in our mouths. I got
scared and ran under the bed. But
Brizzy, well, she's not too bright. She
kept on jumping and swatting at the tree.
That got her a slap on the rump.
I don't understand. Angie brought
this tree in for us. Why can't we play
with it?
Sweet smells started wafting from the kitchen. I am a good kitty and never jump on the
kitchen counters. But Brizzy has a real
sweet tooth. Brizzy made sure Bo, the snitch, was snoozing in the basket up
stairs. Then she went on surveillance
until Angie left the kitchen. Once the
coast was clear, Brizzy leapt on the counter and began munching on a large
pan of dark gooey stuff. It must have
been pretty tasty. Brizzy licked and
chomped for a good five minutes before she was nabbed by the nape of her neck
and hauled off the counter. Angie said
some words I had not heard before.
Brizzy was escorted to a place called "kitty time
out." I didn't see her until the
baking was finished. I'm not sure all
that sweet forbidden goodness was worth it for Brizzy. She has been hanging over the edge of the
litter box all day.
I know Angie loves us because she put boxes with bright
paper and squiggly ribbons under the giant tree. Brizzy and I had a tug of war with one box. I lost.
The ribbon fell off on my side.
Then we each chose a special package to bat around and chew on. The large packages are good for diving
boards. Bo never suspects we are perched
up there waiting for him to walk by. For
a plump cat, he can jump like a NBA basketball player.
There are new do-dads sitting all over the house. Brizzy and I have been taking turns seeing
who can bat these dainty things farther. Who ever makes the crash first
wins. Then Angie trots over, picks up
the do-dad, and takes it to the kitchen.
She mumbles something about glue and tape. Maybe that is code for award and kitty treats.
After all this playing Brizzy was pooped out. She is older at the ripe age of two. She scampered upstairs to snuggle in the
basket with Bo, the nark. I sit by my
favorite bird, hoping Angie will finish with her Christmas rush and play with